Kappy Finstuen, R.N., OCN
Radiation Oncology
Deaconess Medical Center
Spokane, Washington USA
" Our most touching use of the puppet was with a 5 year old boy with medulloblastoma. He was frightened and upset, and receiving chemotherapy. Our puppet's name is Larry and our patient learned how to go through his treatment using the puppet for role play....I do not think that this little boy would have made it through treatment without the puppet. We thank you so much for your hard work. In addition to using the puppet with children, he brings a smile to the faces of adults and is really a kind of mascot. "
Stephanie Fairbain
Therapeutic Play Manager
Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
"We love the medical puppets here at Addenbrooke’s, they are fantastic in helping us to prepare children for their procedures and so helping them cope with their hospital experiences. We also use them when working with traumatized patients, these children use the role play to make sense of what has happened to them and to resolve their anxieties, they are a wonderful resource."
Sue Collins
Director, Child Life
Sunrise Children's Hospital
Las Vegas, NV USA
" We had a 5 year old patient who was out of control - hitting, screaming - over having her port accessed. We let her access "Jamie's" port and Jamie acted out the same way. The patient was able to verbalize to Jamie coping skills which Jamie then tried (successfully) - the patient was then able to be accessed without incident."
Ann Hébert
Interview in Centre universitaire de santé McGill, ensemble
Vol.1 No.2 July/Aug. 1997
Child Life Specialist
The Montreal Children's Hospital
McGill University
Montreal, QC Canada
" Medical puppet play is the ideal solution in many cases. ... It is used to convey medical information in a simple, non-threatening manner to toddlers, preschoolers and older children. By identifying with the puppets, they are more likely to ask questions and express their feelings. The puppets are used not only as a preparatory tool, but also to help children recover from surgery or a challenging medical intervention. ... " Allan wanted the puppet to feel like he did. He vented a lot of anger," explains Hébert. " For a period of ten days, he subjected Simon (the puppet) to the same treatment given to him. Allan's anger gradually subsided......."